About Always Forever

Mission Statement

Our AlwaysForever mission statement is “Do Everything in Love” 1 Corinthians 16:14. My belief is that “No humanities are more tender, and no other vows more sacred than the vows of matrimony”.

Why Weddings Made Easy

Since becoming ordained in 2004 I’ve had the privilege of officiating very large weddings and very small intimate weddings. Selecting your type of wedding is a personal choice and it’s been my experience that there’s no wrong choice.

One common theme I noticed was the stress that builds up during the course of coordinating the couple’s special day. The cost involved in months of:

  • Planning
  • Securing a venue
  • Renting tuxedos and dresses

adds to the stress leading up to the service.

Countless times I’ve heard “Let’s get the service over, the license signed and then we can start to relax”.

I noticed there weren’t any “Weddings Made Easy” options and decided to launch our Always Forever online wedding service to fill the void.

The power of Love I’ve seen in the eyes of the bride and groom during the ceremony is pure, unconditional and real. Marriage has many definitions. I like to think of it as the ultimate extension of the love and respect that two people have for each other, and a commitment to continue to grow in that love, and to cherish its satisfactions for the rest of your lives.

Marriage is the beautiful blending of two lives, two loves and two hearts. It’s the wonderful moment when a beautiful love story starts. Two people, two bodies joining in the perfect union of one spirit is something no man can take away. Remember your commitment to each other. Love is just a word, the two of you must make it a wonderful reality.

Life is nothing but a series of choices. I appreciate the fact I live in a country where these choice are still mine to make. Fast or slow, black or white, sweet or sour and hot or cold. In larger metropolitan areas there’s plenty of choices but also a faster lifestyle in the concrete jungle where time is everything. In rural or secluded areas the choices are fewer and logistics become the challenge.

AlwaysForever provides the online options needed in both environments. We’re structured with flexible scheduling and an efficient service for those with long hours and tight schedules, and we literally can reach out and connect to anyone with the internet.
Have a blessed day,
